Monday, June 30, 2003

I've got this old Smiths song flying round my head today.

lingers 'round your fingers
heave on to Euston
do you think you've made the right decision this time?

you left
your tired family grieving
and you think they're said because you're leaving
but didn't you see the jealousy in the eyes
of the ones who had to stay behind?
and do you think you've made the right decision this time?

you left
your girlfriend on the platform
with this really ragged notion that you'll return
but she knows
that when he goes he really goes
so do you think you've made the right decision this time?

It seems quite appropiate.

I've made enquiries about my ticket and it's going to cost �1140 if I leave before the 16th September to go to the places I want to. My intended route is.

Fly into Washington, Road trip as below, to Los Angeles, then Hawaii, Fiji, Auckland own way to Christchurch, to Sydney own way to Cairns, fly to Singapore and then home in a year.