Thursday 15th May 2003 Part 3
The night started in civilized fashion with a meal at Porky's (not that Porky's). The food is dirt cheap. 57 rand for a 500g steak meal. That's about £5.70!!!
It was at this stage that I realized my nights sleep wouldn't be as long as I had expected. Someone suggested a trip into Durban. I agreed so 6 of us got a taxi to 'Tiger Tiger'. 100 rand for a 15 km, 20 min taxi journey £10.
Now 'Tiger Tiger' is set at Durban race course. The taxi man dropped us off at the wrong place and we decided to bunk accross the course, blatantly ignoring the 'Keep off the Grass' signs. Now I was only expecting a school fatigue from a Nazi prefect, but no the spotlight came and I'm sure they fired a shot accross our bows.
When we found the proper entrance (spot the non local) it cost us £2 to get in and it was free drinks till 10. They also gave away free shots at various stages during the night. When I did buy a round it was £4.50 for 3 beers, a smirnoff ice and a tequilla. Cheap as chips.
The place was a real eye opener. The ratio of women to men was at least 3:1 and the quality was extremely high. It proved incredibly difficult to talk to any other groups of people. They all seem to come out in groups, dance in groups, drinks in groups, chat in groups and go home in groups. They hardly mix with anyone else.
So after not expecting a late one we eventually rolled in at 2. The longest day ever from 6am Thursday till 2 am Saturday.
'I can't believe someone bought me Tequilla!!!'