Monday, September 08, 2003

Well today has been my first day being unemployed. I had lots planned but failed to deliver on any of my expectations.

I did manage to find my way to the solictors to sign my will.

Afterwards I did one of my all time favorite things, which was waste half an hour in the amusement arcade. I used to be able waste 4 hours in them, so that probably shows that I don't find them as exciting as I used too.

Instead of doing anything productive for the rest of the day I decided to go home and watch England win a Test Match.

I thought I'd have a first attempt at packing my gear. I failed miserably and I'm gonna have to shed a load more stuff before I attempt it again. Maybe it will have to be just the one pair of pants.

This evening I have put my motorbike to bed for the year.

More exciting adventures tomorrow. Bare with me guys .....................