Happy Birthday Beemer
Sorry if today's posting is a bit dull, but I guess that just reflects the day I've had. Today I've seen the southern most point in the USA. I then saw the southern most hotel in the USA, then the southern most swimwear shop, the southern most grocery and deli etc. etc. You get my drift. I've also seen the US Airforce base that I reckon is south of the southern most point in the USA. Maybe the base is in stealth mode and I'm the only one who can see it. Maybe I've got secret powers.

Anywho I also reckon that the airforce base is slightly less than 90 miles to Cuba. Ever so slightly less, but who cares. Who cares that Ernest Hemingway had a house here and President Truman moved the White House here for a summer or a winter (I forget which) of some year. Alright so maybe some of you care, but I bet that none of you care that mile marker 0 of US route 1 is here, but you're not the fool who took a photo of it.

I quite fancied coming to Key West and going out on a boat and doing some sea fishing, but they wanted $125 for the privilege of my company for the day, so I bought a Daily Mail and read it cover to cover whilst sitting on the dock. It was the first bit of decent reporting that I'd read or seen since I've been here. I totally burnt my leg and shoulders in the process and I think it could be agony carrying my rucksack tomorrow.
In fairness to Key West it's a holiday/party island, totally setup for the tourist. You would have a wicked time here if you had a booze budget. There is live music in every bar. I reckon the best time to come is during one of the festivals, if you can get a room. I looked at some photos in shop windows and the festivals just seem like an excuse to get your mammary glands out and cover them in body paint. I have no problem with that. Another thing I noticed was that all the blokes are really fat and the girls are gorgeous. Did I say this place was dull? I must have caught too much sun.
On another subject I can't find a decent book shop in the whole of the USA.
On a brighter note, my Mum and Dad have booked a flight and a hotel (on the internet, what is the world coming to) and are coming out to see me in San Francisco for Christmas. So I might get some presents after all.