Happy Halloween, America is officially mad on it.
I should have realised my marriage was doomed when my ex mother in law was born on halloween.
Mx left for Key West (good luck with that) this morning so I'm left to fend for myself again. The hostel is excellently located just 2 blocks from the beach, in the middle of South Beach's art deco district and runs parallel to Ocean Drive. So I went out to explore and didn't really find a great deal, apart from a beach. The beach is so white that when the sun shines it hurts your eyes. Even on a blowy (but nice) day like today the beach is full of beautiful people. You know the feeling when you go somewhere and you feel there are 2 types of humans. Beautiful ones and you. Maybe its just me then.
It doesn't help that I looked like a half cooked chicken and you could fry eggs on my shoulders. Just my shoulders mind, everything else is white.
The view does provide you with the opportunity to view some very decent eye candy, but we all know I'm deeper than that. So I didn't stay long.
There are people milling about everywhere, mainly looking beautiful, but so many are walking their rats on ropes (whilst looking beautiful).
I'm getting really tired of sweating everytime I step out of an air conditioned room. I've had to stretch the budget and buy some anti perspirant, but I'm not sure which smells worse, my BO or the Right Guard.
I headed back to the hostel via Ocean Drive (with my soft top down, so my hair can flow) and the best thing about it, is its reputation.
When I got back to the hostel I met up with Kissimmee Kev and we decided on a plan of action for tonights Halloween festivities. The Americans take it so seriously and during the afternoon you could sense the build up. As we looked around the streets everyone was in a costume. Even the McDonalds was decorated. There were GI Janes, nurses, orgasm donors, Morticias, umpires, cowboys, horny devils, police women, grim reapers, school girls, wonder women and even a male fairy. No cheerleaders though, much to my disappointment. They really went to town, in fact they went way past the town. I even saw a 7 foot black guy walk into the supermarket and ask where they kept the red suspenders. I hope I don't bump into him tonight.
I had my costume, but Kev thought he might be a little left out so we queued (yes queued) to get into a fancy dress shop and came out with nothing. So Kev's going as an Essex boy and I'm going as a sunburnt (shoulders only) Nelson Mandela.
We went out traveller style, which involves getting the cheapest booze from the off license, it's similar to drinking at school. Once you are nicely swaying you head to a dodgy bar and have a few liveners (these are the only drinks you pay for). After the dodgy bar we headed to 'The Crobar' at dead on 10 to have as many free drinks as possible and make use of the free tickets that the hostel gave us.
'The Crobar' was just opposite the hostel and was mad. The sound system was awesome and the bass was thumping. It was full of beautiful people, but we were passed caring. When we left at 3.30 people were still queing round the corner to get in.