Saturday 15th November 2003, Day 63/273 - San Angelo, Texas
First thing that happened after I woke this morning getting mobbed by 2 girls, clinging to my legs and diving on me in total admiration. It doesn't happen very often in my live (in fact never). It's a shame that they are only 8 and 5 years of age, but I do seem to have this effect on children. They seem to have a desire to beat me. Actually thinking about it, maybe it's not just kids.
As it's Saturday we went to 'International House of Pancakes' for breakfast. As you can guess IHOP is a fast food chain dedicated to pancakes, crepes and omelettes. It's actually pretty good and very popular. I guess it's some kind of tradition as it's heaving.
With our bellies full Andy and I went to help build a house. It seems a good project run by 'Habitat for Humanity' where they get volunteers to help build a house. It's being built in the car park of Home Depot (who are supplying most of the goods) and when completed with be transported to become someones home.
This weekend it was Andy's Squadron's turn to supply the labour (or labor as they're American). It was at the stage of felting the roof so we joined the throng hammering nails. I say we, but I mean me as Andy was defending our corner after suffering abuse from his troops for being a limey. I of course kept quiet like the great wing man I am.
I'm not sure I'd live in the house that we'd build. They should have checked my building credentials before letting me lose. My shed at homes bears testament to my lack of building skills. Still at least it has a roof...... for a while.
Afterwards Andy very kindly drove me round the town in search of a new camera. I'd bought a brand new casio digital camera in duty free at Heathrow airport. I've been very happy with it, it's taken some cracking photos until it broke when I was in Houston. Not much good having a camera that only last 2 months.
I was a little concerned about buying a casio camera anyway. There not exactly a world name in camera production. Calculators maybe. I was talked out of buying the robust Kodak I wanted, by the salesman. To be fair the Casio has got a great pentax lens, as he said, but now it doesn't work.
So now I've ended up buying the Kodak SD100 Elph that I was originally looking at for $350.00, about what I would have paid in sterling. It's put a bit of a hole in the budget, but at least I've saved money this week. I also got #150 back from my divorce solictor. You can't really go travelling without a decent camera. I might never come back to these places. Don't mind me I'm just trying to justify my spending.
Before you ask I did look into getting the casio repaired, but everyone wanted to send it away. I did E mail casio with all the details of me being abroad and they very kindly gave me an address to send it to ......... in London. They're about as helpful as JOE. So does anybody want to buy a 2 month old, really dinky digital camera, that used to take great photos. If so please E mail me.
In the evening we all went over to one of the Howard's friends' house for a christening party. This is my type of party. All the blokes are crowded round the TV watching the football, drinking Texas beer (which isn't too bad) while the women cook and know their place and are happy with it.
The ladies cooked us venison from a deer that had been shot by Sandy (one of the guests), then tapalas (mexican and bland) and finally chilli (which was either elk or moose, they weren't sure). It's one thing you notice when you're travelling, you can't afford to be fussy when you eat. Just get on and eat it.
All these people were military so have travelled and are up to date with current affairs, but they are still Texans in every way. Really friendly and nice, but Texan. I was originally worried for Andy and his family being subjected to Texans for 3 years, but really it's a great experience for all of us. Come back soon though mate.