Saturday 1st November 2003, Day 49/273, South Beach Miami, Florida
Happy Birthday Auntie Janette
Ugh, hangover. Today I shall mainly be doing nothing.
1. because there's not much to do, apart from the strutting and
2. because I have a sore head, my body aches and I can't hear a bloody thing.
I took a quick walk up the street and found a really pleasant shopping area. It's got street cafe's, nice shops and even a book shop. I found a Bill Bryson (the Mother Tongue) under fiction.
It's kinda weird shopping today, because all the shops are taking down there halloween decor and putting up their Christmas stuff. Mind you this is in a shop that calls the girl who work on the till a front end associate!!!
Back at the hostel it's another strange mix of folk. A lot of travellers come this was way because of the reputation of the hostel and South Beach. They are both really nice, but the only thing to do here is 'be here' if you catch my drift. I'm not sure that's enough for me. A lot of the travellers are youngsters who seem to have a pot of money (or their parents do) and they are out here partying. I'm not sure they know why they're travelling and there probably just wasting time until someone comes along and exchanges the silver spoon for another one. I know why I'm travelling and why I came to Miami (because of it's reputation), but I'll probably leave with a different take on the place. I need to be seeing things and doing stuff. I could be sat at home wasting time.