Thursday, March 11, 2004

Tuesday 9th March 2004, Day 178/366 - Christchurch, New Zealand

Happy 21st Big Steve.

Bought a mountain bike for Nz$159 so I can take advantage of some of the great bike trails over here.

Had a freaky e mail from a Dukie friend. He'd given me some advice on Fiji so I emailed him yesterday to tell him what I had done in Fiji and ask where he was now. Turns out he's in Christchurch too, but only for one day. I took his phone number eager to call him as soon as I could, but as I was walking down the street I bumped into him. Isn't life amazing sometimes.

DT (H/Wn 86-91) we'd been in the same house and dorm for 5 years at Dukies. We both left at the end of 5th form and went to Farnborough 6th form college. We both come from Fleet, yet I haven't seen him in 12 years and where should I bump into him? On the other side of the world. Bizarre but so nice to see him. It's always a shame that time goes too quickly and so much is left unsaid, but I really hope I don't have to wait another 12 years to catch up with him.

A Dukie reunion 13 years on and on the other side of the world. Big up to DT (H/Wn 86/91)