Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Tuesday 11th May 2004, Day 241/366 - Canberra, Australia to Sydney, Australia.

Harry Potter

Spent the morning catching up on my blog, reading and waiting for my 16.00 bus to Sydney.

Finished the first Harry Potter book. Dunno what all the fuss was about. In my opinion it was nothing like as good as Roald dahl. It's not even that well written. All media bloody hype. I think the movie was a good adaptation.

When you get out of the city you can see so much sky. It's different to the NZ sky as everything here appears very brown. As the sun sets it all takes on beautiful browny orange tint.

When you arrive in Sydney you straight away know your in a big city. In actual fact the population is similar to Melbourne, but it feels bigger. I guess it's all the visitors.

The YHA is right next door to the main train station. It's big, it's got a cafe and bar, but it also has a nice feel to it.

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