Thursday, June 10, 2004

Sunday 6th June 2004 - Day 267/366 - Kingaroy, Queensland.

I'm done, holidaying now.

We took a drive into the Bunya Mountains to feed the Rosellas, take a walk and eat Bunya Nut Scones.

In recent times my Blog has started to contain less and less of my feelings. It's been more of been here, done that. I'm concious of that, but in truth I think I have reached the end of time travelling. I think I've acheived what I set out to do (although I'm not sure I knew what that was when I left). Over the past few weeks I've felt a change in my attitude. I've done all my thinking and changing. I know what i have to do when I get home, where it takes me I know not, but there are things that I can only do from home. For the next 3 months (it's under 100 days now), I'm going to enjoy my holiday and make the most of the experience and watch every single game of the European Championships.

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