Sunday 25th April 2004, Day 225/366 - Matamata, New Zealand.
Meccano Madness
Spent the day doing a 1000 piece jigsaw. Jigsaws are great. Very relaxing and totally absorbing. Mx helped out until she left for the stud for her work experience. It was bliss, she didn't speak for at least an hour, sorry Mx, but see you can do it, I'm proud of you. Michelle blogged and Eric and Harriette had got the Meccano out. Alice returned from Auckland.
I was left to finish the Meccano construction and when I got to near the end it turned out that Eric had put the battery on the wrong way round.
'Well they didn't have batteries in my day and anyway I didn't think it would make a difference'
Well it does and this from a guy who expected his 10 year daughter to do it right and also wants to rebuild his Range Rover. Good luck! Oh how we laughed.