First thing was a trip to Cathedral Cove. It's a 40 minute walk from the car park. You have to keep pinching yourself to make sure it's really real. I apologise for sounding like a broken record, but you can't appreciate the beauty of Nz until you come here. Everywhere you go you are never far a stunning beauty spot and they are never overcrowded.
We went to the plaque that commerates the spot where Captain Cook landed in November 1769. Shame they spelt longitude, longigtude.
Went along to the Hot Water Beach. Apparently you are able to dig a hole in the sand and then lie the water and it's supposed to be a 64 deg natural spa. There were lots of people digging and looking confused. It seemed a good time to people watch. Instead of seeing lots of people lounging around in hot pools there were just a lot of people stood around shivering. I think the whole thing is a bit of a bing bong. Either that or someone forgot to turn on the geothermal heating.
Found a fantastic place to eat in Hahei. Well in fairness it is the only place. It's a bit pricey but the food is fab. If you go to Hahei eat in the Luna Cafe.
Finished my 17th book of the tour. 'Taken on Trust' is Terry Waite's autobiography and a real tale of pluck and courage. Very honest and all for $1.50.