Tuesday 6th January 2004, Day 115/273 - Denver, Colorado to Salt Lake City, Utah.
AGH Dehydration. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to finish the Vodka. I'm so glad that we didn't manage to find any beer last night.
We drove out through downtown so Steve and Ben could do some final bits of shopping and then via IHOP to the Airport, where we dropped of the rental car. It's a real slick operation. You just drive through the gates, pull up, a man scans the barcode on the side of the car and then hands you a receipt. I don't even feel like I've spent $40. From there you just walk straight on to a bus that takes you to the airport terminal.
Checked on to my Delta flight and went through security who gave me another thorough going over. The screening almost made me late to say bye to Ben and Steve, who are flying to Chicago, before catching the big plane home. They managed to catch an earlier plane to ensure they didn't miss their connection. They didn't enjoy America enough to want to spent extras day here. It was bloody good having them out here. It meant I had 6 hours to wait for my flight and I was back to travelling alone.
Managed to depart from Denver on time. I'm going to miss Denver and it's 300 plus days of sunshine, the fresh air and of course it's 7 pro sports teams.
Feel quite alone for a while, but then I realised that after a brief break in my adventures it's onto stop number 29 in the grand tour. Arrived in Salt Lake City at about 20.00 to loads of snow on the ground, so caught a taxi to the HI at 107 F Street. It's back to hostel live for me.
Finished book 11 'The Hobbit' by JRR Tolkein. Preferred reading the book to watching the films. You've got to admire the way he writes. I’m beginning to sound like a book critic. As if anyone values my opinion.