New Years Eve and the plan is to go to the street party on the 16th Street Mall, where a fireworks display has been arranged and they're expecting 100,000 people to turn up. We prepared ourselves by drinking vodka and orange in the room. One because it was cheap and two because Steve and Ben aren't 21. Drinking in bars may prove difficult.
So armed with Vvdka laced orange juice in orange juice bottles we hit the mall to watch the first firework display. They had to have 2 displays. After the 1st display at 21.00 was over we went into a bar found a quiet corner and had a few beers before hitting the streets for the second display at midnight. There was no countdown to the New Year we just waited for the fireworks to go off and then the whoops and the hollers to start. The fireworks were very impressive and went on for about 20 minutes.
Not sure if it was a better or worse night than expected, but it was certainly good fun and different than normal.